Oral Culture and the Speed of Decision-making

Talking is a creative action based on a decision. The brain pieces grammar together with words that contain ideas.

Oral culture is therefore more creative, because one is talking more and reading less. People speak books.

The life of a person in a society with oral culture is far more creative than the life of a person in a society affected by writing.

The oral person has less dogmatic knowledge, more empirical knowledge.

When a society has an oral culture, propaganda cannot exist.

How do judicial systems work? Are juries the law? That’s a problem, but it seems paper laws made more problems, or are ignored and not enforced altogether in the case of the US.

Should education be conducted completely orally? Meaning, the teachers do not refer to texts.

Every class would be unique.

Without a foundation, would there be a problem with solidarity and nationalism?

I don’t think so.

It should always be up to the person to create a unique path of experience, then be able to communicate one’s experience to relate to another.

From the Wikipedia article on Orality:

In oral cultures, concepts are used in a way that minimizes abstraction, focusing to the greatest extent possible on objects and situations directly known by the speaker.

[todo: requires way more thought. This is interesting though! Slowly getting to the laziness of written cultures.]
