Complete List

complete writings (auto-generated)

[todo: the plugin only allows to list by month and year or year, can’t select between two exact dates]

Complete pre-Philosophy

(beginning – 2014/7)

Complete Philosophy I

(2014/3 – 2014/8)

Complete Philosophy II

(2014/9 – 2015/1)

Complete Philosophy III

(2015/2 – 2015/12)

Complete Philosophy IV, V, VI, VII…

(2016/1 – 2016/12)

Complete Philosophy post-2016

(2017/1 – 2017/12)

notes, highlights, and writings from my knowledge and education text file(s)

writings from my thoughts text file(s)

$query = new WP_Query(array(‘orderby’ => ‘post_date’, ‘order’ => ‘DESC’));

if ($query->have_posts()) {
echo ‘

while ($query->have_posts()) {
echo ‘‘;
the_title(‘‘, ‘‘); //echo title
echo “

//echo ‘‘ + the_title(‘</p>

‘) + ‘</a>‘;
echo ‘</div>


thoughts about this post

Over time, this page has been quite useful in gauging importance and directing thought, so I organized it a little more, and added it to the top menu. It probably totally subverts the utility of WordPress’s organization, but it’s all I’ve got as of now!

[todo: should really clean this up, clean and finish all drafts, continue using my thoughts files to extract personal ideas and build on them.]

I ended up organizing nearly everything I’ve blogged! Hurray! It’s not nearly as exhaustive as my thoughts.txt, but, the hope is, the things I wrote were things that I thought were, at least at the moment of blogging, important.

This layout turns out to work really well. I can easily read old writings, remember what I was thinking of, and if I want, etch the thought out further. It also makes it easier to organize, for example, an earlier post titled the The Home Fallacy, clearly has ideas of autonomous ideals. It’s also fun just to play around with it, like a book, skipping to chapters, getting ideas, and creating new paths.

This has indeed slowly become my philosophical corpus.

But let’s hope I don’t spend much time here.

Hmm, can this organization further be automated, so that while I’m outside, using my phone to write thoughts directly here, I will never need to sit down and organize again? WordPress’s organization is indeed terrible. Over time, I’ve nearly created an outline of knowledge in the WordPress’s categories. It’s useless. I guess the list of posts by date is all I’ve got. It sure sucks not being able to generate a list of posts, then edit it, say, adding *’s. I think it’s okay to separate [writings by] periods of time, but perhaps I should avoid re-ordering them by categories.

Yeah, forget the organization of words, stick to the organization of people (and material)!